Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Asher had a very fun, busy day yesterday for his first Halloween (that he actually participated in). We didn't have any ward parties or anything to take him to in his costume, so we had to be a little creative (as he's not really old enough to go trick or treating). It's day's like these that I really miss being able to go over to Whit's and do fun stuff with the kids. :( In the morning, Nate and I just wanted to see him in his costume, so we put it on him and watched him run around in it. After his nap, Asher and I got all our stuff together and ran a couple of errands, then we headed off to the Halloween party that the girls at the treatment center I work at were having. We really just went to show off how cute Asher was in his chicken costume, plus the girls are always asking me to bring him by. He definitely stole the show. We walked in and the girls bombarded him, taking pictures and talking to him in baby voices. It was so funny. So he was a little nervous with all the attention, but once he found the stairs, he was a happy chicken!

This is Asher with my old supervisor, Karie, from my RT internship. She's the one that told me about this new treatment center I work at. She is hilarious and she just loves Asher! As you can see, he loved her fairy wand. I shouldn't be worried, right?! After the party we hung out with Karie and her intern and watched Asher put on a show for us. Then we went to Karie's house and Asher played with her dogs. He LOVES dogs, and hers are so nice, they even let him snuggle and lounge on them.

Then we went to go visit Aunt Jillian so that she could see Asher in his costume. After that we headed over to University Mall as they had trick or treating going on there. At first I felt a little silly because Asher of course had no idea what was going on, but then I saw that there were lots of people there who, like me, just wanted some where to take their baby in their costume. So I basically just let Asher run around in his Chicken costume, and he had so much fun. He also got a lot of attention, because, well, he's adorable! Especially when he is dressed up like a fluffy chicken, waddling around the mall. He was definitely more interested in pushing his stroller and running in and out of stores, and looking at himself as a chicken in the mirror, than actually getting candy. Nate met us there after a little while, and we both just got a kick out of watching Asher having fun and delighting people with his cuteness!

By the way, I am supposed to be a "farmer who tends to the chickens". I wanted to be a mommy chicken, but I didn't think I would be able to find anything for that at the last minute. I know, I'm a pretty pathetic farmer. Since Asher wouldn't smile for pictures, I decided to put up some video, so you could see him in action, in all his chicken-cuteness!!

After the mall, I treated Asher to 99 cent Wendy's chicken nuggets, and we headed home. Poor Asher was so tired as it was way past his bedtime. But he was such a trooper, and went right to sleep! Nate and I had a relaxing evening in, watching License to Wed, and handing out candy. It was a great day!

And just for fun, here is a picture of my hair when I took it out of the pigtails...


DaNae said...

Asher is the cutest chicken ever! Was License to Wed good? I totally want to rent it tonight!

Trent & Emily Davies said...

Okay he is by far the cutest chicken I have ever seen! Halloween is so much fun when they are at that age!

Hannah said...

Darling little costume!!

Heidi said...

That costume looks very cozy!

Ben and Keenan said...

Asher is too cute! What a fun Halloween - kids are the best.

Okay...I am so pathetic but I have read the Twilight series and LOVED them just as I have read you enjoyed them too. So, I was just reading the folk dance newsletter and noticed that PAC's mid-semester has a stop in Port Angeles, Washington!!! How funny is that - they will be just a short drive from Forks! When I read that I had a good chuckle to myself and thought I would share the random finding. I agree with you that I should have waited to read them until I could read the next one right away - oh well, only 10 more months, right?!!!

I enjoy keeping up on all your news. Take care, Keenan

Lark said...

He is really the cutest chicken I have ever seen! Its soo fun when they are little to see them all dressed up!

The Lambs said...

OK- I died at that video!!! He is so funny how he toddles- nice song choice..perfect for the costume! Austin was a pumpkin and I was the pumpkin farmer- go figure! We must just feel natural as mothers in that role. ;)

A Little Sass said...

Cutest little chicken I ever did see!

Gretchen said...

TOO CUTE!!! That costume looks so warm and cozy. Makes me kind of want one of my own to get through the Chicago winter!

Ashley said...

Such a cute costume! Ryley was a chicken last year... Loved it! I love your chocolate Kitchen blog.. Yummy recipes! I LOVE to bake too... we need to hang out more, swap some recipes, and you can give me some tips from your class. Here's my email, I'll send you an invite to my blog.

Suzie said...

This is Nathan (Elder Sellers). It was good to see you the other day at JoAnn's. Your family is adorable, and I love the chicken costume. It was good to see how your parents are doing via the link on your blog. To answer your question about how we know the Shupes... I grew up with Ashley and we were close friends in high school. Small world.

Check out our other blog we started and share the word with all you know.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you added us to your blogg; now we can keep in touch! Your little guy was such a cute chicken, I loved that costume.