We really don't have that many gifts yet, most of those are just cute gift boxes for decoration!
It's true, life is good right now...
1. It's Christmas time, I have a beautifully decorated tree to light my spirits everyday, my blog is red (and who wouldn't want a red blog?!), and I am getting ready to make lots of Christmas goodies!
2. Asher is not nearly as bad at not touching the tree as I thought he would be. I almost didn't get a tree because I didn't really want to deal with him pulling ornaments off of it every day. Which, the first couple of days, is exactly how it went down. He would take or touch an ornament, and I would take him and look at him and say: "asher, don't touch the tree, if you touch the tree again you are going to go into time out in your crib" Then I would let go of him, and he would walk over to the tree and stick a finger out and poke an ornament and then look at me with this huge smile...what a little stinker!! Needless to say, it was much too funny and cute to put him into time out. But don't worry, I am not always that lax, and he has definitely spent plenty of time in timeout, and now, he doesn't even notice the tree!
3. I had leftover MudPie for breakfast this morning. That's right people, MudPie, as in ice cream and whipped cream and a delicious cookie crust! :)
4. Asher has been feeling and acting much better every day!
5. I have been doing a good job (if I do say so myself) at keeping my home straightened up and the dishes done (thanks for the inspiration Lark!) even though I feel like that is all I do during Asher's naps, I think it is worth it.
6. I totally have so much more energy these days, so I can actually get things accomplished, I got my Prenatal Yoga dvd in the mail the other day, so all I need to do now is strap on my unitard and get going!!
7. I think I may have actually done something right on Nate's Christmas gift this year, which is quite the accomplishment, as he is very hard to buy for. He pretty much NEVER gives me a list to go off of, and if he does, it's just full of electronic gadgets and other boring stuff like that (after the first time, it's just not fun to get another ipod because your last one is full), so I just have to fend for myself. That's alright though, I guess it does make it a little more personal, as I actually have to think about it.
8. I am for the most part done with my Christmas shopping, (and I want you all to know that I found myself some seriously awesome deals this year!) except for the few things that I am waiting to come in the mail (I love online shopping), and then 2 small things I am finishing up today, thanks to my great friend Costco. Then all I will have to do is wrap the gifts, which is really my favorite part! Seriously! I worked as a home assistant for a few years, and one of my favorite parts of the job was that she had me wrap TONS of Christmas gifts every year. So I would just put on a movie or some Christmas music, and have at it! Anything that involves making things look pretty is totally for me!
9. Did I mention it's Christmas time?
10. In a few weeks, we will be on our way to Sacramento to hang out with the fam, where we will proceed to celebrate Christmas in true Busath fashion...with lots of food and presents!! Nate and Ben will undoubtedly make sarcastic comments about the "materialistic oragy" (sorry if that is inappropriate, but it's a direct quote, what can I say!?) that is Christmas at my house! FYI people, there are a lot of people in my family, and Christmas has always been the only time of year that we really get anything, except for our birthdays, so I think we are perfectly justified in our materialism!! Plus, we still focus on Christ and all that good stuff!! :)
11. With Christmas shopping behind me, I have plenty of time to devote to focusing on the true spirit of Christmas!! One of the things that I am doing to be more Christ and love centered this year, is following this blog. I'm sure they didn't plan it this way, but the theme of love (dedicated to a late friend) is perfect for this time of year. They have a new post every day, with a new challenge. I try to read it everyday, and even though I am not perfect at doing the challenges, I really try to think about them, incorporate them into my scripture study, apply the themes to this time of year, and implement them into my life as much as I can. You should all check it out, as it is, if nothing else, a great daily reminder of the important things in life!
12. Really, the only unfortunate thing, is that my mom forgot to send the Galena Christmas videos that I requested, with my sister Jillian after Thanksgiving. How does she expect me to get in the Christmas spirit without inspiring music and dance selections such as "Lets have a Christmas Celebration", "Decorate your tree with love" and "Skateboardin' Santa"?!
Hope you are all enjoying the Holiday season so far!!
YOu sound busy and very organized! I don't think I am quite as organized as you but I am BUSY!
And we're are REALLY hoping to make it to Sac the day after Christmas for a few days to spend with Family! Brad and Seth are gonna be there for sure and we'd really like to meet the new nephews! And we'd love to see you guys and the whole fam too!
How funny, Ashlyn does the same thing, she loves to stand on things she can't and she thinks it is really funny. I always thought it was because she saw Dylan do it all, but maybe it is just a toddler thing.
It's true. Christmas is not Christmas without "Let's Have A Christmas Celebration!"
Your tree looks great! I love those empty Boxes they are very cute. I am so excited to go home for Christmas too. I cant wait. This is going to be a long two weeks.
Isn't Christmas time the best!! Loved your post! If we're talking about the same inspiration post about love... we have a friend in common. It's a really cool idea under really unfortunate circumstances ie: the inspiration for it. Enjoy the next couple weeks before Christmas!!! Oh and I need to get the name of your yoga pregnancy DVD... my regular yoga is getting a bit challenging with my belly getting in the way!! :)
Your tree is so fabulous! WE never get a tree because we always go home, but next year regardless of what we do, I am getting a tree!!
Hi! I got your comment awhile ago and just wanted to reply. Cute blog by the way! Congrats on the pregnancy too! That is so exciting!
I am ALL FOR materialism mixed in with a bit of Christ's Birth this time of year!!
Your home and your baby are gorgeous! Congrats on talking your husband into a full-sized tree too!
Matt is not quite as gung-ho as I am with the Christmas Spirit, but being married to me a few more years will have him in the swing of things (I hope!)
Have FUN in Sacramento! We will be there the 28th of December-the 1st of January...
Such a cute tree! I love the empty boxes. I hope you have a good time in Sacramento. We'll be in Los Angeles from the 20th to the 27th. My mom grew up in the Saramento area though, and we've spent many Christmas's there!
In reply to your comment, good idea about driving all night so Asher sleeps. We plan on taking 2 days to get there and 2 days to get back and we know we'll be going slowly. Hopefully the portable DVD player will come in handy :)
Hey Morgan!?! Its Shara. How the heck are you?! Your little boy is adorable. Where are you guys living. We're in Provo now..yeah snow! How have you been?
all i can say is...
1. i wish i can see you doing yoga in a unitard while pregnant
2. i DID get to see "let's have a christmas celebration" this year, but for reals!
3. bring on the orgy!
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