Sunday, May 05, 2013


Well, I'm writing a blog post, so you know what that means... I have news!  You know when you're in school and getting close to graduating and everyone asks you where you will end up, and you answer "we have no idea, it could literally be anywhere..."?  Well, we finally have a legit answer to that question, which, to be honest, is still a little weird and surreal for me.  But we are so excited for this next chapter of our lives.  And that next chapter will be.... drum roll please....

Johnson City, TN!!  For you geographically-challenged individuals (like me), that is in the north-east corner of TN, about 4 hours east of Nashville, an hour or so east of Knoxville, and close to the borders of Kentucky and North Carolina.  Right near part of the Appalachian Trail. Yeah, it's pretty gorgeous, as you can imagine.

On Wednesday, May 1st, Nate was offered a tenure track professorship at East Tennessee State University, in the bluegrass, old time and country music studies program in the department of appalachian studies.  Got that? ;)  And yes, these things really exist.  Just a little fun fact for you, this is the only school in the world that offers a major in bluegrass music.  And Nate gets to teach there.  He is crazy excited about this opportunity and we know that we have been incredibly blessed.  The job, however, does not begin until August of 2014.  So it's all a little anti-climatic.  Except that it's not, because there is one more small piece of news...

We are leaving NYC in 26 days.

This has all happened very suddenly, as in, the last few days, and it is still kind of a shock to say that.  But I am starting to come to terms with it, and as of today, have started to feel very peaceful about it.  It's all kind of a long and dramatic story, but basically Nate's job situation was quite unbearable, so he quit this week.  We knew this was coming, as he has to get his dissertation finished and needed the time to work on it, we just didn't expect it to happen this soon.  But, he did what we both felt needed to be done and so now we have to leave this amazing (and very expensive) city.  We have come to a point in our NY experience where I don't feel that we are really taking advantage of the city as much as we used to and as much as I'd like to, as it's just so hard to get around with 4 small kids and all.  So while I am very sad to be parting with the city, as I do love it so SO much, what makes me that saddest is to be leaving the people that we have had the privilege of knowing and becoming close to over the last 5 years.  They truly are like family, and it is seriously heart breaking to have to say good bye.  Change is always hard for me, but even more so when I haven't had time to mentally and emotionally prepare.  But like I said, we feel good about our decision, and I am slowly getting to a place where I don't want to break down and cry every time I talk, or even think, about it.

The boys are very excited to be moving on, although they are pretty bummed that we are not moving to TN quite yet.  I told Asher that we would be in WA, close to his cousins for the summer, which made him very happy, and then I went on to say that we would be living in UT for the school year.  He got all excited and asked if we would be doing "suburban living" (no idea where he learned that term...), I said no, we will probably be living in another apartment- and he was VERY upset.  These kids are so ready for more space and a backyard.  I feel so bad for them (and for myself ;) but I figure we can hang on for one more year.  We are very happy to be able to be out west and closer to our families for this next year, before we head back east indefinitely.

So anyway... there is our news.  We are so excited and definitely recognize Heavenly Father's hand in our lives.  We have been so blessed over the last 5 years.  I often feel unworthy of those blessings, but I am so grateful for them nonetheless.

Wish us luck on our next new adventure!!


Schmath said...

So so so so so so awesome! I didn't even know there was such a program, but if there is, then Nate is definitely the right person to teach there. Think how nice and big your kitchen will be in Tennessee! You guys are living the dream!

The Woodlands said...

How awesome!! I was actually just thinking of your sweet little family and when you may be leaving NYC if ever! what an amazing opportunity - this will be a perfect fit in the long run. Congratulations, and here here to a backyard!

James, Cameo, Jacob, and Eli said...

Congrats!! It's amazing how the Lord works in our lives for our happiness. I wish you luck in the next year ahead and in your future in TN!

breckster said...

Congratulations! Let us know when you get to Utah, we'd love to see you!

Katie Allred said...

I am BEYOND excited for you guys! Johnson City TN is about 1.5 hours from where I grew up in VA, and my grandparents are from there, both went to East Tennessee State. The people there are wonderful and it is truly the good, simple life there. I know you guys will love it! We just took our Spring Break vacation to Knoxville, Dollywood, Abingdon, Va and back to my hometown Tazewell, VA. So fun!

Amanda said...

what a crazy adventure! can I be almost jealous, I mean just a little? we hate change too, but that also keeps us where we are...boring! Matts going to Tennessee in a few hours for work...

chloe said...

Good luck! Change is always hard, but so exciting for Nate and for your family!

Erin Patterson music said...

That is so Awesome!!! Teaching the true music at ETSU! ;) So happy for Nate!

The Kneese's said...

I am so happy for you guys. We wish you the best in life.

Lark said...

Sounds perfect for you guys! Congrats!

LJ Busath said...

Johnson City was one of stops en route from my home in Virginia to my college in Oklahoma before the interstate went in. Does that date me, or what? You will love Tennessee - truly a garden spot - and you can all acquire southern accents! Congratulations, Nate! How exciting!!!

Geoff said...

So friggin cool. I am jealous. I want to punch you in the face. (Nate, not Morgan.) I'm gonna come visit. And then I'm going to punch you in the face.

hb said...

Ahhhh! that makes me so happy! I bet you'll love tennesse! And amazing that your lives are unfolding in beautiful ways. So happy for you guys!
Oh, and you should move to spanish fork:) I'm serious
Heidi Beddoes

mj said...

So, so, so excited for you Morgs!

rivaldo lestaluhu said...

Terimakasih atas informasinya sangat bermanfaat, untuk Anda yang sedang mencari inspirasi terbaik untuk mulai berbisnis yang memiliki prospek menguntungkan saat ini temukan informasi selengkapnya melalui artikel yang ada pada website kami untuk bisa mulai usaha waralaba atau franchise yang saat ini sedang meningkat yaitu kebab turki baba rafi.

rivaldo lestaluhu said...

Terimakasih atas informasinya sangat bermanfaat, untuk Anda yang sedang mencari inspirasi terbaik untuk mulai berbisnis yang memiliki prospek menguntungkan saat ini temukan informasi selengkapnya melalui artikel yang ada pada website kami untuk bisa mulai peluang usaha yang saat ini sedang meningkat yaitu kebab turki baba rafi.

rivaldo lestaluhu said...

Terimakasih informasinya sangat bermanfaat untuk saya, dan jika Anda sedang mencari penyedia tong sampah 240 Liter dengan kualitas dan harga terbaik melalui website kami di dan dapatkan harga terbaik dari kami tanpa minimum pesanan sekarang juga.

rivaldo lestaluhu said...

Terimakasih informasinya sangat bermanfaat untuk saya, dan jika Anda sedang ingin memulai usaha yang memiliki prospek menguntungkan saat ini jawabannya bisa didapatkan pada website kami di dan dapatkan bisnis terbaik untuk Anda jalankan sekarang.

rivaldo lestaluhu said...

Terimakasih informasinya sangat bermanfaat untuk saya, dan jika Anda sedang ingin memulai usaha yang memiliki prospek menguntungkan saat ini jawabannya bisa didapatkan pada website kami di dan dapatkan bisnis terbaik untuk Anda jalankan sekarang.

rivaldo lestaluhu said...

Terimakasih atas informasinya sangat bermanfaat, untuk Anda yang sedang mencari inspirasi terbaik untuk mulai berbisnis yang memiliki prospek menguntungkan saat ini yaitu kebab temukan informasi selengkapnya melalui artikel yang ada pada website kami untuk bisa mulai usaha sekarang juga.

rivaldo lestaluhu said...

Terimakasih informasinya sangat bermanfaat untuk saya, dan jika Anda sedang ingin memulai usaha yang memiliki prospek menguntungkan saat ini jawabannya bisa didapatkan pada website kami di dan dapatkan bisnis terbaik untuk Anda jalankan sekarang.

rivaldo lestaluhu said...

Terimakasih atas informasinya yang sangat bermanfaat ini untuk saya terapkan, Dan untuk Anda para pelaku usaha UKM yang ingin mendapatkan jasa pembuatan aplikasi gudang terbaik untuk aplikasi gudang dan inventory dengan fitur terbaik dari Paling Pertama dengan harga yang paling murah dibandingkan lainnya.