***FYI, this is a LONG one, and you may be offended if you choose to be.... you have been warned!!***
Ok, so I have been very hesitant to talk about this on here, but this is my blog, and I cannot remain silent any longer. Please know that I am not attacking anyone here, or judging you for your beliefs or decisions, merely trying to understand. I don't think that anyone is "right" or "wrong". I know it's a personal decision for everyone. But... honestly, I just don't get it. Even though the election is now only days away... I just have to know where some of you are coming from.
I think I must be getting some different kind of news coverage out here or something, because from what I hear and see, John McCain and Sarah Pailn are complete morons who don't know what they are talking about, and use nothing but scare tactics to promote their campaign. In all honesty, I don't know a ton about what McCain "promises" to do for our country, because all he ever talks about is how supposedly horrible and "scary" Barack Obama is. I'm sorry, but I just don't see anything scary about that man or what he proposes to do for our country. From the very beginning of the primaries, when there wasn't a thought of voting for him in my head, I have only ever thought that he was a kind hearted, good man. He's a family man. I personally (emphasis on personally) think that John McCain is mean, manipulative, malicious and stupid for choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. I mean really, if he dies, SHE will be our president. Talk about no experience. And I don't know about you, but I don't want someone who is "just like me" to be running our country. Would you want a doctor who is "just like you," "your average Joe", to be doing your surgery?? I wouldn't, I would want someone more educated and experienced in that area. If she is "just like me" (and I know hardly anything about the economy or foreign affairs or energy solutions, as many Americans don't) then that would be pretty scary for her to be leading, or even assisting in, things. What she is saying to the American people when she says that, is that pretty much anyone could run the country. Hmmm... If on the other hand, what she means when she is saying that (that she is the "average Joe"), is that she has come from a middle class home and knows what it's like to struggle and have to work your way up, then I believe Obama, and Biden for sure, are able to relate to the American people just as much as she.
I don't pretend to know what is best for the economy, or our country, because I don't. I really don't. But what I do know, is that the healthcare & tax plan that Obama is suggesting is not socialist. Basically all he will be doing is giving people who are uninsured the option to have affordable health insurance. He has corrected McCain time and again during debates, that people who are already insured through their employer or wherever else, will by no means have to give up their insurance, or change anything at all. But people who need insurance but can't really afford it (like our family, for example, who happens to be self-employed as well as students), will be offered an affordable option. I don't understand what's bad about that.
The whole raising taxes thing... ok so paying more taxes stinks, but honestly people, all he is going to be doing is taking away the tax cut that President Bush put into place. It's like a 3% difference. You will be paying just as much in taxes as you were before that happened. And your hard earned money will not be going to people who have been sitting on their butts all day. Let me tell you, just because you are poor DOES NOT mean you are not hard working. And, there are other areas where taxes will be cut, like the capitol gains tax, for example, not to mention the 90% of Americans whose taxes will be LOWERED!! AND, I don't see how these particular taxes are any different from all of the other taxes that we pay that go towards all the government funded projects and organizations that have existed for years and years. Is it just because he used the words "spread the wealth"? Oh, and also, this is exactly what John McCain was proposing to do during his last presidential campaign! So if this is in fact socialism, wouldn't that mean that McCain supports socialism as well??
Ugh, see? This is why I hate politics... skewed truths, outright lies, name calling... it's all about who said what and did this and that 10 years ago, bringing up past issues that aren't even relevant, saying he contradicted himself here and there. It's all just so stupid. Why can't they just say what they want to do, and have it be done with? If that were the case, then I might actually vote for McCain, because I wouldn't be able to see what a mean nasty man he is. Which leads into my next point...
I don't agree 100% with all of Obama's issues...
I am very much aware of his views on abortion and gay marriage. Lest any of you think that I have gone and lost all of my morals, I am very much pro-life, and would vote yes on Prop-8 if I were in California right now. I know that everybody has their own reasons for voting for a particular candidate... some are strictly moral, some are based purely on their character, and some are based purely on what they propose to do for our country, and some are a mixture. I find it hard to believe that people can agree 100% with every word that comes out of a candidates mouth.
I think for me, one reason is that I sincerely do not like John McCain and never have. I just haven't been able to get rid of the sour taste he left in my mouth during the primaries with good ol' Mitt. That was what originally forced me to pay closer attention to this election and even consider voting for a Democrat. It has actually been a little bit of a struggle for me to come to this decision. My family is very much Republican, so it has taken a lot for me to convince myself that I am not a horrible, immoral, person for voting Democrat. I realize that it doesn't even matter which way I vote, as New York is hands down for Obama, but it's still important to me that I make a decision for myself and show my support one way or the other, and do my part, even if it goes unseen.
What the rest of it boils down to, is that I think Obama would do a much better job getting our country out of an economic crisis. A friend of ours put it simply, that it's not necessarily what the person says they are going to do during the election, it's those unseen crises that come up and need to be dealt with... who is going to be able to look at the crisis from all angles and deal with it in the best way?? Who is going to use the knowledge that he has to do what is right and best for our country?
For me, I trust Obama to do that. Nate pointed out that he seems very thoughtful and careful about the decisions he makes. Even Republican Colin Powell, a huge military guy, has complete confidence in his ability to handle things. He said, during his interview with Tom Brokaw, that that was what decided his vote, when the whole bailout issue was going on, Powell said that McCain seemed very unsure and kept changing his mind from one minute to the next, but Obama was very careful and wanted very much to understand everything. I take confidence in that. Who knows, I may totally eat my words in a few years. We shall see.
After all of this, in all honesty, I think either candidate will do just fine. I really don't think it's as dramatic as everyone makes it out to be. But what do I know.
Ok, so I have said what I want to say, now I want to hear what you have to say. Please be nice to me. I don't want to get into a big political argument or anything. I don't imagine that I am going to be getting a lot of "Amen Morgan" or "I hear ya sista" comments, but an example of a nice comment would be...
"that's a very interesting point Morgan, thank you for sharing. this is why I am voting for McCain..."
"Morgan, you are a genius, you have totally changed my mind!"
Haha, just kidding. But really, I would love to hear everyone's views and opinions.
I will say though, that I am with you all on this point... I am SO done with this election. It seems like it has been going on FOR-E-VER. I'm so sick of thinking about it!