Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Valentine weekend

Nate and I have never been big on Valentine's Day, even though we do usually do a little something. We didn't really have anything planned this year, but ended up having a fun weekend. On Friday night, our friend Josh came into town from Delaware, so I got a babysitter and we all went to the New York City Ballet. They did 3 different suites. The first one was more contemporary, and while they were amazing, it really wasn't my favorite piece. The second was amazing. It was just what I wanted to see, classic, flowing, waltzing ballet, with beautiful costumes and lifts and leaps. I love how everything they do looks so effortless. The last piece was West Side Story, which was fun, but I think I would rather just see the musical. They had people backstage doing the vocals while the dancers on stage lip-synced. It was a little weird. But the dancing was fun. I still say that the middle piece was the best. 

On Saturday Josh offered to babysit for me and Nate so we could get a quick bite to eat. We went to a restaurant on 108th and Amsterdam called Thai Market, and it was pretty darn good. A very fun ambiance. It was so nice to have a leisurely walk with just Nate and have dinner without the kids, and to actually talk and hold hands. We stopped at the grocery store on the way home, which is one of Nate's favorite things to do... seriously! It's our favorite grocery store, and they also carry Junior's cheesecake, so we picked some up for dessert. It was so scrumptious! To top it off, we caught the bus for a nice romantic ride home ! ;) I had offered to babysit for our neighbors, so we were back early, by 7:00 pm, so they could go out. I spent the rest of the night babysitting, and watching Grey's Anatomy, while Nate and Josh kicked it at our place. It was a lovely weekend!


Jessica said...

What a fun valentines. I am totally impressed that your husband will indulge you and go to the ballet. I may have to work on mine for that one. You are so fun.

Alicia said...

That sounds like a perfect Valentine's date! I hope school is good for Nate, and that you are enjoying NY. I imagine it was Josh Probert that visited...what a fun time you must have had!

Natalie said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful, romantic New York Valentine's Day! How fun! Glad you guys had a nice time with each other.