Wednesday, January 09, 2008

About Motherhood...

This is how I found Asher after I finished this post!

Well, it has been one of those days today, where I woke up in not that great of a mood, I turned on the hot water while Nate was taking a shower and "made his shower go cold", and was frustrated and concerned about cleaning and organizing our house and making Asher eat his veggies. After a while, I decided that I needed to chill out with many things, especially spending so much time and energy thinking about how I am going to make my child the perfect eater, the perfect sleeper...the perfect everything. I've decided that while those things are important, sometimes they just don't matter. Last night, I called Nate while I was working to see how Asher was doing, and he told me that he kept waking up crying (which he never does), and I spent the whole night worrying and trying to figure out why that happened. I get so frustrated thinking about what more I can do, when in reality, I think Asher is doing pretty darn good and is a pretty typical child. After I realized that, I made a resolution to just do my best, and then spend the rest of the time loving and enjoying him and helping him to grow and be happy and love the gospel. After I had thought about these things for a while, I got on the computer and read a post from my friend Tabitha's blog, talking about another blog and how it inspired her about motherhood. I went to the blog and read the post and was totally caught off guard, as I was all of the sudden in tears. It really made me think about motherhood and the gift from God that it is, and it really reiterated the thoughts that I had been having today, and helped me to understand them even more. It made me think about Asher and our little son soon to be born, and how I want so much to give them love, and to teach them about the things in life that really matter. It made me think about Asher's little arms and how much I love them, especially when they are patting me on the back when he is hugging me. (if you look at our family picture on our blog, it shows how cute Asher's arms are. I have that picture on our wall and look at it every night while he is in bed, and it sounds weird, but his arms are really the cutest part of that picture...they're so small!!) It made me realize that I need to cherish those tender little moments more, and stop caring that he loves broccoli one day and hates it the next, or that this kid is saying this many words, but Asher only says this many, etc etc. It made me realize that I need to be WAY more patient, and that the best way to teach Asher to be patient is to be an example of that to him. I love being a mom, and am so grateful that it teaches me to be better and more Christlike, so that I will know how to teach our kids to be those things! Yes, I learned all that from one little post (I told you, it's just been one of those days)! The blog is called Antique Mommy, I hope you will take a minute to read her inspiring post! Now, if you will excuse me, I think Asher needs a cookie!! ;)

After his cookie!!

That's right, another"sweatpants" day. Have you seen the snow outside? There is just no way we would be going anywhere! Why not be comfy?!


Ashley said...

it's so true.. it's hard not to worry about all those things, but eventually everything works out... Some mornings Ryley just has a cookie for breakfast, and I just have to deal with it and pick my battles. There's worse things in life right? Isn't it crazy how in love with such a little person you can be... awesome!!! Can't wait to go and be inspired by that post...

mj said...

how cute are you?! and thanks for helping me to realize that it's okay that leah can't crawl yet and doesn't have any teeth and is all of a sudden not eating, and, and, and...because she learned to clap today...and to wave yesterday...and i love her little mouth and her huge cheeks and the way she dances, and, and, and...

so much to be grateful for and i worry about all that isn't there.

i love that little asher...and can't wait to meet his little brother. we're coming to utah in april, so let's for sure get together, okay? even if it's in sweatpants at your house. we might as well be comfy, right?

Michal Thompson said...

When I am pregnant, everyday is a sweats day. You are looking so good. When is your due date. I will run a marathon with you, when and where? 7 is a good guess!

whitney said...

well said. thanks for the uplifting thoughts. :) ....oh, and i just LOVE that little stinker of a kid.