Monday, April 14, 2008


So plan "adios binky" was a failure, because I decided that it was going to be a failure. So, that day that I snipped the tip of his binky, he didn't care during the day, but when I put him down for his nap, he wouldn't go to sleep. I couldn't figure out what his deal was, as he wasn't saying anything about his binky. He finally cried himself to sleep, but then he did the same thing at night. I finally took one of the binkys that I cut and sucked on it myself to see if it was a lot different, and it totally was. I don't really know what I expected, but you couldn't really suck on it at all, so no wonder he is freaking out. Anyway, long story short, I felt so bad for him, that I finally broke down and gave him the last binky that wasn't snipped, and he went right to sleep. After he settled down, I went in there to look at him, and there he was, sucking on his binky. I guess I have never really thought about it, but he really sucks on the binky to soothe himself. Again, I don't really know what I thought he did with the binky, but I guess I just never thought about how big of a role it played in him soothing himself to sleep. So, after talking to my wonderful mother in law, Heidi, I decided to let him have it a little longer, as he has had some big adjustments in his life in the last 6 weeks. Don't worry, it will be gone soon enough, but for now, I love the binky, for the way that it soothes my "big" baby to sleep, I just hate doing the "binky search". I think I will solve this problem by being strict about not giving it to him during the day, so I will always put it in the same place, and then I will keep a few extra on hand. I also think that we are just going to have to do it cold turkey, cut the whole tip, let him throw it away, and be done with it. But we will wait a couple more months. Plus, Asher really has been such a good little boy lately. He is so happy, and is at such a fun age, just doing the funniest things, and always laughing, and keeping us laughing.  He is so cuddly, and loves to give me hugs and kisses and snuggle with me.  I just love that little boy more and more every day. I don't know what I ever did without him in my life. Sometimes, you just gotta let your little guy be a baby for a little bit longer!


DaNae said...

He has been dealing with a lot of changes, so it is probably better to wait. It is so hard to see them so upset huh! It will probably be so much easier to get rid of when he is a little bit older too!

Tabitha said...

I totally don't blame you for letting Asher keep the binky. We tried to get rid of the bottle completely, but Benjamin seems to still need it to soothe himself before nap or bedtime. Moms tend to have a good idea of what their kids need, so go with your instinct :)

Sarah said...

Yeah..I know exactly what you mean. Toddlers still have the need to suck for comfort and Bella just gets that from me.(I'm the binky) I too will let her be my baby a little longer till she outgrows the need. I need to come visit you again soon so the kiddos can play together. Have a great day!

Michal Thompson said...

I agree! Don't rush them. They will come around when they are ready. When you think about it, he really is a baby, even though you have another real one. I am glad sleeping is getting better for you, that is the biggest hurdle of them all!

jillian said...

Aww I love this little guy!!! Even when he's climbing all over my head:)