Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring is here!!

 My friend snapped these pictures on my camera the other day, on our way to one of our favorite playgrounds inside Morningside Park.  I love this picture, because it just gives you a little taste of how beautiful it is all going to be in a couple more weeks.  We are getting plenty of rain this week, so there is really no excuse for the trees and flowers not come to life quickly.  I can't wait!
Friends and daffodils.  Or as Asher likes to call them, Daphnes, in honor of a little friend in our building named Daphne. :)

1 comment:

Lauren said...

well done! I can't believe you blogged while hubby was gone, and multiple times too! :) I'd be lucky to get a brush through my hair!

darling family pics!