Sunday, September 28, 2008

Big sittin' boy...

Sayer has been growing and changing and developing so much and so fast... too fast! I have found that with the second child, you are not as concerned about milestones. I am always forgetting what he should be doing at what age. A few weeks ago I saw a baby a few days younger than Sayer sitting up like a pro, and I thought, "Oh, I guess I should start working with Sayer on helping him sit on his own". Terrible, I know. But we worked on it, and now he too is a pro. Well, I don't usually let him sit there by himself, because he still falls sometimes, and hitting the hardwood floor, would not feel nice. He is a strong little guy though. He is also up on all fours, rocking back and forth, which is the cutest thing ever. It's so weird to me that he is already doing these things. It still feels like he is my little newborn, which he's not, and hasn't been for a long time, but it feels like it happened overnight.

Here are some more precious pictures of our little guy...

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