Isn't this SUCH a cool picture of Central Park?
Yesterday Nate left for NYC to attend an orientation (with his BFF, Josh Probert) for incoming students this fall. He had an interview with the Program Coordinator of the Music School (the same lady he met with when we went to NYC last November to look at the school) this morning. He called me afterward to inform me that we are receiving a very generous financial aide package, which includes his tuition and a stipend that will pay for our housing, which will be renewable every year. I wanted to cry when he told me. This is a direct answer to our prayers, and we couldn't feel more blessed and loved by our Heavenly Father. We are so grateful that we won't have to go into a tremendous amount of debt to do this. To top things off, we also found out that the lady he met with, the Program Coordinator, has asked Nate to be her assistant. wow!! I honestly could not believe it. I guess she is really excited about the direction that Nate wants to go with his music and teaching, and wants to work with him on it. She does early child hood development music, and Nate told her we have two little boys, and she is so excited to work with Asher. It all just sounds too good to be true, and I really don't think that we could have asked for anything more. It is all very humbling. It is clear that this is where Heavenly Father wants us to go... it's almost like he is shoving us to NY!
So, needless to say, we are now 100% positive that we will be moving to NYC at the end of the summer. crazy!! But we already have a couple of LDS contacts back there that have answered a lot of questions, and have been so helpful, and will continue to be. They have also helped me get way more excited, and feel a little bit more comfortable at the thought of raising kids in NY. If we don't get into student housing, I feel like we will have the help that we need to find "affordable" housing in a good area, so the whole thing is a lot less overwhelming.
Just wanted to share our exciting news!
YAY MORGAN! NY!?!? that is so exciting. congratulations.
That's so awesome!! I am so excited for you guys. Decisions like this are so hard to make and it gives you such a great sense of peace when things like this happen to confirm that you are doing the right thing!
PS I call first dibs on holding Sayer when we get to Santa Cruz!
Congratulations! I just got chills reading that. It sounds like NY will be awesome. What an incredible opportunity!
So NYU maybe? I'm trying to think of the other colleges in the city itself. We LOVE New York...and we have some friends that live there now as well. I think I visited the city 5-6 times while at BYU and Dan went once or twice as well. We love Broadway (of course); it would definitely be different to live there though...hmmmm...have you ever been there? There is never a dull moment, that's for sure!
How long is the program? It seriously sounds like everything is being handed to you as you pursue this path. Which is amazing and a wonderful blessing! That is kind of how it happened when we finally decided to move to Texas (which Dan really, really didn't want to do at first). And the Lord basically "took it from there" and has opened up more doors than we possibly could've imagined! Congratulations though...if we ever go visit again (in the next few years) we should come and visit!
Happy early Mother's Day, present, eh?
bethanne~ it's actually columbia. i've been there twice before, and loved it both times. i do know, however, that living there is a completely different story. i know it will be a challenge. but i also know that it will be such a cool adventure. the program will probably be about 2 years of course work, and then however long it takes him to do his dissertation. so i am thinking we will be there for about 3 years. we'll see though. yes, do come visit. we will have to meet someday! :)
Congrats! That is so exciting! What a fun opportunity to try living somewhere new. I'm so glad that your prayers were answered. I love having experiences like yours that remind us how much the Lord is ready and willing to bless us when we follow him. Good luck in New York :)
Morgan, that sounds so amazing. The Lord works in such amazing ways. It sounds like this is meant to be. Congrats and good luck. If we find ourselves in NY we will definetly have to visit!
That's awesome! I am so happy for you guys. It is always amazing when blessings just start pouring out on you. They are always what you need at that time. I am so excited for you to go to NY I think that is going to be quite an experience. Tell Nate congrats! By the way, Sayer is so darn cute!
Wow, NYC huh? Living on the east coast is way different then living in the west! But it definitely has it's charm. How long will you be there? I'm sure it will be an amazing experience living in such a big city.
wow morgs that is great such a huge blessing to not have to worry about the tuition and the housing costs all you need is fun money how cool
That is so awesome. Isn't it the best when you feel like you are being so guided by Heavenly Father. That really is such a blessing. I'm so happy for you guys! COngrats!
That is fantastic news! Congrats. We were talking with Michelle Holt yesterday and she wonders if she could do NYC, if that's where Tyler ended up for French Horn grad school. It would be tough, but if someone is helping fund it, that makes it a million times better! It will be such the adventure.
You really are so blessed!! I wish we were that lucky to not have to have so many worries. Oh well. We will love our students loans all the way! We are lucky enough to have some scholarship but nothing to what you guys got!! Good Luck with the move and living in NYC!! Sounds like a fun adventure.
That is so exciting!!! Yay! Good luck!
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