Friday, September 23, 2011

This morning...

~  Helped Asher with homework for 45 minutes. That's on top of the 45+ minutes that we spent last night on it.  Ridiculous.  After the first 40 with him, I had to tag-team out with Nate.  He finished the rest in 2 minutes.  That right there tells you how unproductive kids will be when you start losing your patience.

~  While wiping Sayer's bum (I know, such a glamorous life), he says: "Mom! I did a huge poopy..." he then proceeds to raise his right arm and point behind him to the toilet and says "TA-DAAAAA!!!!" in a sing-songy voice no less.  That kid is so awesome.

~  Bribed Asher with an oreo cookie to get him to answer some questions about his weekly poem for school... at 7:00 am.  Yes, I have become that mother.  Please don't judge me.  It was not a proud moment.

~  Asher, after saying family prayer this morning: "Now I have 3 blessings in my body!"  Yes you do, sweet boy.  And more.  **A sidenote on this for my own documentation... last week, Asher was in a phase where he would not say prayers... "I have enough blessings in my body!" he would say... Then Nate and I had a very nice talk with him about how Heavenly Father wants us to talk to Him, and how He wants to hear all about our day, and how it makes Him so happy, plus a few other things, and ever since then, he has been saying the prayer all by himself. 


Michael and Natalie said...

As far as the oreo is concerned, eating an oreo is eating an oreo, regardless of the time of day one eats it. So, don't feel guilty! I will say I took Olive to dance class on Saturday and there were two parents there who were not "together" but I think they were both at the class to trade-off their daughter. Anyway, at one point the dad (who had had the daughter that previous night) says to the mom, "So, should I get her a snack because she didn't eat much this know, like raising bread...and jello." The class is at 9 am :) At least she ate!

Michael and Natalie said...

RAISIN* bread

Angela said...

Your boys are adorable!!!! Your parents house is Amazing! Looks like your having a fun time in NY.

Michal Thompson said...

We have all been there. I love your mom's house!